Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2 week post op Update

I had my 2 week post op visit this afternoon. I have lost 22 pounds since surgery : ) and close to 30 since the visit before that. I'm very happy with the amount of weight I've lost so far.
  Physically, I'm feeling GREAT! I really am. I have so much more energy already. My doctor said that I can start any excercise program that I want, even Zumba : ) He just said that for the next week, I may still be a little sore. He said to just listen to my body. If it hurts, then I may not be ready for it but if not, Go for it! So, that is awesome news!!
   One other thing that I should mention...I know I previously said that medicines affect me so much different now. Well, that is soooooo true. I used to take Wellbutrin for depression. I tried going back on it and the side effects of a headache was unbearable. It's like the side effects are really magnified. So, I talked to my doctor about it. I told him that I stopped the medicine. He said that a lot of people who have this surgery are able to stop a lot of the medications that they used to take. So, I may not need it. But, if I feel like I do, I will just go to my PCP and ask for a lower dose. Right now, Im off the medicine, just keeping an eye on things.
   Emotionally, I'm doing really good. I'm feeling much better about myself. I was able to fit into a pair of jeans from many years ago that I thought I would never wear again. That was such a good feeling.
   Earlier in the week, I got a call from the adoption/foster care agency that we are working with. We were approved back in October but hadn't heard anything. Well, one morning, the lady called and asked if I'd be willing to take a very young baby. (this is on the internet so I don't want to be more specific). Even though I had surgery only 10 days prior, at the time of the call, I said YES. It was an emergency placement so she needed me to take the baby in 24 hours. At first, I did not know what to think. But, then I got very excited about it, I felt like I was ready. Well, the next day, she called and said that they had found a family member that wanted the baby. So, I was disappointed. I was happy for the baby, ofcourse, if there's a family member, it's best that way. But at the same time, I've been waiting for a phone call for months now. I did pray about it and left it up to God. I'm currently at peace with everything because I know that it just wasn't the right time. It will happen, I know it because I feel so strongly called by God to do this. It just wasn't the right time.
   So, that is my update for now. I am able to eat real foods now, even meats so I feel so much better now.
  I don't want everyone to think that I'm promoting having surgery to lose weight. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. For me, it has been a good decision. My headaches are 75% gone already. And, I feel better in every way. But there are things that have been very hard in this journey. Food is such a big part of everyones life. For me, surgery is a tool that has worked for me. And for me, this whole experience of weight loss is a lot of mental work. I'm learning what works and what doesn't. At my daughters birthday, there was cake. I actually had some. But, I had about 3 or 4 bites. I could have physically ate more, even now, but again, mentally, I know my goal is still to lose more weight so I was done after 4 bites. Some people  have no cake during a time when they are trying to lose weight. So, everyone is different and everyday, I learn what works for me and what doesn't. I still say that the biggest key to losing weight is to DRINK WATER! I still notice that if I don't drink my water, I don't lose weight.
   I will update again soon but for now, things are really going good : )

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