Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 2

I wanted to give an earlier update today.... I am doing better. Yesterday evening, I took the dogs on a small walk outside  and tried to clear my head. I also went to Kroger to get the right kind of yogurt. Poor Scott, he really tries. But when I sent him to the store for strawberry yogurt, he came home with "strawberry colada" yogurt.. Yuck! I needed to feel like I could have something besides a Protein powder shake...
    Prior to surgery, I didn't realize how much food was a comfort thing for me. If I had a bad day, Id go get a coke from Chickfila or go out to lunch. I bet I went out to lunch every other day. So, when I was having a hard time with all of this mentally, but realized that I couldn't go out to eat, it was overwhelming.
   I have this book that my doctor gave me and it explains EVERYTHING from before surgery, through your first year after surgery. I went back and was reading it. It clearly says that the first two weeks are VERY overwhelming so I guess what Im feeling is somewhat normal.
   One other mistake I made was ... a couple days before surgery, I stopped taking my depression medicine. Only because I had lost some hair due to that medicine and I had heard that sometimes with this surgery, you can lose a lot of hair. I was so afraid of that. But, I sure that by stopping that medicine, it made this whole exnerience much worse. So, Ive gone back on it and intend to stay on it. Im taking my mulitvitamins twice a day and will do all I can to get the right nutrition in.
   I have a better outlook today. I have lost six pounds since Monday. And, my headache is already slightly better. I think I was slightly dehydrated. Ive managed to finish a whole protein drink. That's a big deal.. lol  I have to drink very very slowly and it takes about a hour to drink eight ounces.
   Anyway, I am really trying to look at everything more positive. But anyone who knows me, knows Im like an open book. If  I feel a certain way, I say it , Im very honest. I wanted this blog to be me, the real me and all of my feelings through this experience, good or bad.
   I think Im going to go to the Center for Weight Loss Success store today and get a couple soups that Im able to have, and they even have protein. See, they say Im supposed to have 100 grams of protein a day. Thats not easy to get in when  I can only take in about four to six cups of liquid a day right now. I am looking forward to the 24th, when I am able to have a little more in my diet. So, that's where Im at today....: )
  And, this Saturday, my family is all going to a program at the YMCA.. its called Y change. So, we are making it a family thing to learn to eat right and exercise.

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